My first thought on reading this was the George Burns quote : "The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made." I agree with what you say, but in some circumstances exuding confidence is exactly what's needed. I'm thinking in particular of when I've had a computer glitch, the last thing I've wanted is someone scratching their head and saying ""Never seen this before". It's worried me that they might REALLY screw things up.

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Hi Terry, yes of course, 100%. I hadn't intended to suggest that displays of confidence are not required, or even that the people who exude them are misguided in doing so. My suggestion was that we should not assume superiority in those who appear more outwardly confident than we might, as their framework might not be as solid as it appears. My perspective was that we're all finding our own way through life, and we should be wary of following others under an unexplored assumption that they know better. But yes, agree with your point and thanks for sharing as perhaps I hadn't communicated mine clearly enough - as per my article, I don't know what I'm doing 😉

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Hi Hannah, oh I was just adding another aspect. I very much agree with your point. In fact, i've often thought that the one thing that public (ie fee-paying) schools in England do is turn out people (especially boys) who have some sort of innate sense of superiority. The trouble is, in my experience, a lot of these people are airheads who know nothing, but convince others, by their exuding confidence, that they know everything!

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